Financial Engines Portfolios

Risk levels may rise as the percentage of stocks (shown below) increases in the portfolio. Feel free to click on each portfolio name to access the model fact sheet, which provides details about the varying proportions of stocks, bonds, and cash in each model.

Level 1: Accounts from $3,000 to $25,000

  1. Warren                 26%
  2. Champe               41%
  3. Ludington           55%
  4. Monroe                64%
  5. Tarrant                 79%
  6. Mason                  97%

Level 2: Accounts from $25,000 to $75,000

  1. McCauley            25%
  2. Mazzei                  33%
  3. Wheatley            44%
  4. Jones                     59%
  5. Haynes                 58%
  6. Ross                       62%
  7. Forten                   67%
  8. Wilson                  70%
  9. Decatur                87%
  10. Decatur XP         77%

Level 3: Accounts from $75,000 to $750,000

  1. Lafayette             23%
  2. Francisco             35%
  3. Salomon              41%
  4. Morris                   47%
  5. Adams                  54%
  6. Madison               54%
  7. Washington        56%
  8. Franklin                61%
  9. Jefferson              64%
  10. Jeferson XT         54%
  11. Attucks                 68%
  12. Hancock               74%
  13. Revere                   84%
  14. Revere XP            77%

Level 4: Accounts $750,000 and above

  1. Penn                      23%
  2. Sevier                    42%
  3. Knox                      51%
  4. Hamilton             53%
  5. Marshall               57%
  6. Armistead           61%
  7. Jay                           68%
  8. Boone                    85%

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